Welcome to our eximo blog! Last week saw the beginning of term for our classes. It was so good to see some familiar faces as well as some lovely new ones! We want to take this opportunity to expand that which we chat about within our classes; to generate discussion and to offer you the chance to share your opinions perhaps in a less scary format. This blog is also for those who are residing in another neck of the woods or perhaps don’t feel dance, drama or singing is their forte but would like to get involved. As it has been the first week of term, we have mainly rambled on about who we are and what eximo is all about – please do check out our personal blurbs that can be found in the ‘about’ section of the website: http://eximouk.co.uk/WhoAreEximo.html
For all those newbies, eximo is a latin word and it means release. The reason the company is called this is because we would like to see people released to be creative and free, moreover, released to live life to its fullest potential.
Watching X factor last weekend, I was aware that most people had a similar heart – to be SOMEBODY and not a nobody. Most people are seeking to find purpose and want to live lives that are driven towards something more - a reason for living. Through X Factor, there is a promise of stardom and the life of the stars, a very elite life not attainable to just anybody. X Factor is all well and good in creating dreams and inspiring hope in people and this we love within eximo – but what about when it flops? What about the thousands that don’t make it? What does that say about them? And even for those that do, will all that money, fame and luxury truly satisfy them or will it make them forget where they have come from and what is important in life? Just seeing the judges massive, exotic houses with swimming pools and room for a pony, made all the contestants more hungry for it – but as a viewer, it made me sad. What does fame gain? Does it make you better? Fame is not bad, in my opinion, but it is about what you do with it. Does it provide good for all or just for yourself? Having all that money and power is very influential to the masses and could just as easily influence to do bad as it could good.
For us here at eximo, we want to show you access to life in abundance that will never run short– and you don’t have to be famous to get it! We believe that there isn’t a single ‘nobody’ and that everybody is a somebody. Everybody is unique and important. There is no ‘right’ way to be and we would like to eradicate that thought that you are not good enough, pretty enough or cool enough. As a Christian company, we believe that we are all loved and created by God and all have an amazing and wonderful purpose here on earth. No one was a mistake and everyone is gifted. Through our classes and workshops, we would like to provide professional and high-standard teaching whilst seeking to release some of that hope and life to people who think they are a nobody and discover that they are definitely a somebody.
What are your opinions?
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