Let me explain this further! For over 15 years I have believed in a God that apparently is alive today, sent Jesus to this earth over 2000 years ago to die for us. To some this must sound crazy. To be honest sometimes I too think this sounds quite weird. However, the truth is that no matter how bizarre this looks on the surface it has become reality in my life.
A lot of Christians will tell you of the emotional and character changing impact it had on their lives deciding to become a Christian and believe what sounds a little bit like a fairy tale, that God himself came to the earth to save us from our own failures and the evil present in this world.
I have stories to tell on this subject also but today I’d like to tell you about the last seven years of my life and the miracles I believe have happened to me in the area of money. At the age of 19, just after I finished my A-Levels in Germany, I decided to audition for a singer/dancer job in a band with a Christian music label here in England to tour secondary schools, doing lessons and pop concerts. I was accepted and in September 2004 I had packed up my room ready for the biggest adventure of my life.
This may sound glamorous and we might have been made to look like pop stars but the reality was that none of us were given a salary. I had to raise a minimum of £400 of monthly income from regular sponsors. A month before I was due to leave I was still missing a substantial amount and I panicked. So I started praying, asking God to provide me with money. From that moment on I felt secure, knowing that if this was the job God wanted me to have then he would have to provide or otherwise I won’t go.
Trusting this new found peace, I received a message a few days later from a sponsor that decided to make up for the gap of a monthly £150 (and a commitment to pay this for 2 years!!!). This was a first of many financial confirmations in my move to England.
Throughout the time I spent in the band, there were a substantial amount of financial miracles. Whenever my account reached about £5, money always came from somewhere. A couple of times the family I lived with for a while gave me an envelope with some money their friends decided to give to me. Another time I realised an anonymous sponsor had been giving me regular money into my account.
One of the biggest miracles of all was at a time when I had been praying about buying a piano. Playing the piano since the age of 4, has become an emotional outlet and vital part of my life. Not only does playing make me happy but it also plays a role in my general well-being. Music is a very powerful tool I might add here.
During this time of praying and considering how great it would be to be able to play again (as my piano was in Germany), I received a phone call from my German bank. I was absolutely terrified and assumed I was in trouble. When the lady asked me whether I was sitting or standing, this assumption only grew bigger. However, it was news of quite the opposite... somehow I won 1000 Euros. The woman told me I participated in a price draw and I was the winner. I have no idea how that was possible as I hadn’t spent any time in Germany and certainly didn’t participate in a competition with my bank. Truth was, that I did receive 1000 Euros and I was able to buy a nice Yamaha stage piano and had a bit of money left over that helped me out another time.

When Sophie started out with eximo, I dragged her onto this journey of trust and faith of God’s provision, I’m not sure if she realised exactly what she had let herself in for. Now, we have even more stories to tell of God’s amazing miracles. We were blessed with a financial gift to buy equipment two years ago. One lady randomly gave us a cheque last year for a specific project we wanted to run. But more recently, at a time of disillusionment and wonderings whether we are doing things right because finances didn’t add up, once again we feel confirmed to keep going – last week, after we got back home from teaching our classes, we found an envelope that someone had put through our door with our names on it. No sender. Inside we found a lot of money, so much I don’t really want to tell you.
Once again, I feel that God is hearing our prayers and answers them in such a concrete and real way that I find it hard to make up excuses and class this as a coincidence. This particular gift of this anonymous person came just at the right time and will keep us going – strong in faith and strong living the real life in which we have to pay bills and buy food.
Over to you – what do you make of miracle stories like these? Coincidence or real?
Do you think you could live life not being financially stable, having your own business or going on an adventure or are you the sort of person that enjoys having a regular income?
I came across your blog randomly. I'm pleased you have such a strong faith and it has obviously had a great affect on your life. What a great truth to live every day!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I tried Christianity and it didn't work for me despite me having a similar experience when I didn't have enough money for my rent. So I prayed and within 2 weeks I got a tax rebate. Being a tough cookie, before looking at the amount, I decided that it would only count as an answer to prayer if it was for the exact amount of money I needed. My rent was 325 pounds and the check was for 329!
I tried to be an atheist - I am still a Dawkins fan, but i couldn't stop praying to God I apparently didn't believe in.
I tell you one thing I am pretty sure of though - that the historical Jesus was not the son of God, nor did he raise from the dead. I love you can believe that, but i just cannot accept it.
I still believe in God though, but now my concept of God is much more of a mystery. I have no idea who or what he is but I somehow feel like I connect with him sometimes.
I think there's a good chance that God doesn't exist. But even so, I will still pray because it seems clear that we have evolved religion as a way of helping us cope with a tough existence as the only animals with self-consciousness. So for me, the question of whether God has any objective reality is irrelevant. For me, I am happier and more peaceful when I believe and that is a good enough reason for me.
Thanks for your post, I might rewrite this comment as a post on my won blog - hooray!
My blog is: www.nathanwrites.wordpress.com
Hey Nathan,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your honest comment. I love the fact that despite of your uncertainty of whether God exists or not, you're admitting to the benefits of praying and feeling the peace it gives you, despite of whether you can say it is real or not. I think that's a really brave statement to make.
I do think religion gives the world something it misses. If us humans were completely fulfilled in just existing we probably wouldn't have a need to even think of a higher being.
I have had many conversations with people who haven't had any experiences with God but feel it's great if someone can believe. In that sense I feel very priviledged to even have such a strong faith.
At the same time, I know for myself that my faith is not just a crutch but that God is real, not just because of the financial provisions. But again as I said, everyone can only know for themselves.
I'll check out your blog and hopefully we'll hear more of each others thoughts:)
Thanks again for your honesty and your comment. Would love to read it as a rewritten blog.