Thursday, 27 October 2011

Persevering through difficult times

Perseverance according to is as follows: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Sometimes I feel like my whole existence is the very definition of this – a constant persistence in the course of this journey full of obstacles that we call life. Do you ever feel like just giving up as it is all too hard to continue pursuing something that seems to be a losing battle? I do and have so many times – all this persevering and it seems without any kind of reward or at least little in sight.

Every day we are steadily pursuing and persisting in something, whether it is just the day itself and all that it has in store for us or something much bigger and more difficult. I don’t know what you are going through but I do know that it is so easy to give up doing well, especially when we feel tired, let down or hurt. It can be much easier to do something less demanding, to run away.

When I have felt like this recently, I have found much strength in a bible verse that says ‘Do not grow weary in doing good as in the right time you will reap a harvest if you don’t give up.’ (Galatians 6:9) This reminds me of the reasons behind the struggle and even if I can’t see the end in sight, I have new fuel to feed the fight engine.

Let me tell you some stories that might encourage you if you feel a bit like this.

I started dancing from the age of 3 and by the time I was 8 I was determined to become a ballerina and declined doing the normal kiddie things to pursue this dream. I entered many festivals, was part of a ballet scholar’s scheme and was going to London every Sunday for the National Youth Ballet. However when I was twelve, I contracted an illness called M.E which I would describe as a chronic fatigue syndrome that affects your brain, muscles and nervous system.

I was bedridden for numerous months, losing all my hopes and dreams of becoming a ballerina. In that time, I lost my muscles and strength and slowly felt like I was disintegrating into nothing. I became cooped up in my dark and eerily silent room, too affected by the blinding light outside or the tiniest sound that deafened me to have any kind of life. I recognised that life carried on without me and I was left behind in these four walls not sure what was actually wrong with me or whether I would ever get better again. I was broken hearted.

The months rolled into years and these years saw the biggest perseverance I had ever gone through. So many times I wanted to give up; my bed became a sanctuary and the outside world began to scare me even though I was screaming to be better and take up my life again. The perseverance was through peace of mind – I prayed out to a God I didn’t even know existed at that time and reminded myself daily that I wasn’t going to allow myself to live like this forever. I made myself to-do lists with goals for each day such as ‘get dressed’ ‘sit up for half an hour’. Slowly I started to do more things and improve in my health. The strange thing about M.E is that there is no sudden cure; it is a long and ongoing process and it is only when you look back that you recognise how much you are improving.

The biggest lesson I learnt was to accept my body for how it was and work with what I had. I stopped beating myself up for the things I couldn’t do and started to enjoy that which I could. In not giving up and not allowing myself to fall into a darker place, I now have become a stronger person and actually believe that my illness has led me to where I am today – and that is an amazing place! If I had never been ill and become a ballerina, who knows where my life would have ended up? The persevering doesn’t just stop, every day I still feel like I’m fighting my body and I need to be wise in knowing what I can and can’t do even now, over 12 years later. But the knowledge of the ‘harvest’ I will reap is what keeps me going. A bit before that in the bible it talks about reaping what we sow. If we sow defeat, what will we reap? But if we sow perseverance, we will reap strength and wisdom.

I became a Christian in my first few weeks of university and this has changed my life forever. When I first believed, I became full of zest, life and faith and volunteered to so many Christian missions/events on campus and it was fun. It was a very exciting time but as the years began to pass, my faith in God became tested and harder to live with. One of those tests was leaving the comfort of a ‘Christian bubble’ behind to have a year abroad in Spain where I didn’t know a single person who shared my faith or a church that I could feel at home in. This is where I had to decide for myself if I was going to follow the things I believed in, even if I was the only one, or fall in with the crowd and let my faith take a backslide. There have been many other tests of faith within my time at eximo as well. Read the previous blog where Maya has talked about finances and our struggles with that but I suppose one of my biggest personal tests of faith took place a year ago.

I was engaged to be married and we were planning our life together here in England when my fiancé was offered an amazing job opportunity – in Australia! He wanted to take it and he asked me to go with him – we had been having money issues previously as well as him being Mexican and the fear that he would be sent back to his own country at any given moment because of the insecurity of his work. This offer seemed to answer all of our problems. It sounded ideal – the perfect weather, good pay with job security and a less stressful life than here in England. However, I felt like I was only just establishing myself and that here was God’s plan for me within eximo. I couldn't imagine going all the way across the other side of the world and leaving something so beautiful behind, let alone my family and friends. God has really given us something special with eximo and I just know he wants me here but I thought our relationship was supposed to be, so I was very confused. I had a week to decide. I prayed like I’ve never prayed before.

It was when we were in the car on the way to speak to my Dad about it all when we were stuck in traffic and not moving anywhere. I felt that this confirmed what I was suddenly thinking: 'why are we going to talk to Dad about it, I already know the answer.' So I blurted out ‘I can't go, I just can't’. My fiancé said he wants to still go and that he is going. In that moment, I remember the heavy sickness that sat down in my stomach as we turned around and made our way back to my house. Within an hour, my fiancé walked out the door and I was left staring at the mess my life had suddenly become.

So many times I doubted and questioned my decision but what kept me strong was the belief that I was doing what I thought was right, in God’s plan. Even in the midst of confusion, pain and suffering, I’ve never known such blessing and peace with God. I can tell you that it was not easy to remain strong but through perseverance the harvest is being reaped. Eximo seemed to really flourish in the year that followed and I just felt confirmation that I was in the right place, even in those cold winter months when I felt such agony and loneliness.

I never stopped loving my man but I did not run back to him as I was held up by the strength God gave me. I continued to pray for him, for his safety and that God would be with Him. He tried to get in contact many times but I did not want anything to do with him as he had broken his promise he had made me when he put that ring on my finger. But it turns out that God had not finished with our relationship either and it was nine months down the line when things seemed to have a breakthrough. We spoke on the phone, crying over what had happened and trying to work out where to go from here.

He had left out of a fear of persevering here in England but now he has learnt and recognised that it is not better to run away. Even if it would of been hard, we would of had love and faith to keep us strong which count for so much more. Because I did not go with him, he was unfulfilled and unhappy and working long hours outside in the hot Australian sun with no one to come home to – not as ideal as the picture previously painted. Slowly, things are being healed and although he is still in Australia, we have decided to persevere for this relationship. What has been amazing is the amount of trust we have, it seems stronger than ever before. Next year, he will come back to England and we will start again that which was planned for before. This time, we will work hard to not separate that which God has put together as we have seen the pain there is in losing each other. Unfortunately, sometimes we need to lose something in order to recognise how precious it is to us.

I suppose what I would like to encourage you with by this post is that whatever the situation looks like now that through continuing to push forward for what you believe is good, the situation will look a whole lot different soon. I know that we will never stop persisting in this journey of life but we can continue to persevere and reap a harvest if we do not give up!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Coincidences or Miracles?

 Whenever someone asks me about the existence of God my answer goes something like this: “I cannot prove that God exists to anybody. All I can tell you is that I know God exists because of the crazy things that have happened in my life. Although I cannot see this mysterious power it has an effect on my life that goes beyond my own thoughts and emotions”.
            Let me explain this further! For over 15 years I have believed in a God that apparently is alive today, sent Jesus to this earth over 2000 years ago to die for us. To some this must sound crazy. To be honest sometimes I too think this sounds quite weird. However, the truth is that no matter how bizarre this looks on the surface it has become reality in my life.
            A lot of Christians will tell you of the emotional and character changing impact it had on their lives deciding to become a Christian and believe what sounds a little bit like a fairy tale, that God himself came to the earth to save us from our own failures and the evil present in this world.
            I have stories to tell on this subject also but today I’d like to tell you about the last seven years of my life and the miracles I believe have happened to me in the area of money. At the age of 19, just after I finished my A-Levels in Germany, I decided to audition for a singer/dancer job in a band with a Christian music label here in England to tour secondary schools, doing lessons and pop concerts. I was accepted and in September 2004 I had packed up my room ready for the biggest adventure of my life.
            This may sound glamorous and we might have been made to look like pop stars but the reality was that none of us were given a salary. I had to raise a minimum of £400 of monthly income from regular sponsors. A month before I was due to leave I was still missing a substantial amount and I panicked. So I started praying, asking God to provide me with money. From that moment on I felt secure, knowing that if this was the job God wanted me to have then he would have to provide or otherwise I won’t go.
            Trusting this new found peace, I received a message a few days later from a sponsor that decided to make up for the gap of a monthly £150 (and a commitment to pay this for 2 years!!!). This was a first of many financial confirmations in my move to England.
            Throughout the time I spent in the band, there were a substantial amount of financial miracles. Whenever my account reached about £5, money always came from somewhere. A couple of times the family I lived with for a while gave me an envelope with some money their friends decided to give to me. Another time I realised an anonymous sponsor had been giving me regular money into my account.
            One of the biggest miracles of all was at a time when I had been praying about buying a piano. Playing the piano since the age of 4, has become an emotional outlet and vital part of my life. Not only does playing make me happy but it also plays a role in my general well-being. Music is a very powerful tool I might add here.
During this time of praying and considering how great it would be to be able to play again (as my piano was in Germany), I received a phone call from my German bank. I was absolutely terrified and assumed I was in trouble. When the lady asked me whether I was sitting or standing, this assumption only grew bigger. However, it was news of quite the opposite... somehow I won 1000 Euros. The woman told me I participated in a price draw and I was the winner. I have no idea how that was possible as I hadn’t spent any time in Germany and certainly didn’t participate in a competition with my bank. Truth was, that I did receive 1000 Euros and I was able to buy a nice Yamaha stage piano and had a bit of money left over that helped me out another time.
            I know this all sounds rather strange but even stranger things have happened. God’s provision didn’t stop when the time in the band was over and I started eximo. eximo is more than just a company or a job to Sophie and me. It is a lifestyle, a long-term commitment, something we have a dream for and want to see it through. We are not in it for the money even though we would love it if one day eximo would be the only thing we do every day. We are big dreamers as we feel we have been given a purpose to bless people through the work we do. Yet, sometimes we start doubting when times get hard and it is a struggle to pay our rent for example.
When Sophie started out with eximo, I dragged her onto this journey of trust and faith of God’s provision, I’m not sure if she realised exactly what she had let herself in for. Now, we have even more stories to tell of God’s amazing miracles. We were blessed with a financial gift to buy equipment two years ago. One lady randomly gave us a cheque last year for a specific project we wanted to run. But more recently, at a time of disillusionment and wonderings whether we are doing things right because finances didn’t add up, once again we feel confirmed to keep going – last week, after we got back home from teaching our classes, we found an envelope that someone had put through our door with our names on it. No sender. Inside we found a lot of money, so much I don’t really want to tell you.
            Once again, I feel that God is hearing our prayers and answers them in such a concrete and real way that I find it hard to make up excuses  and class this as a coincidence. This particular gift of this anonymous person came just at the right time and will keep us going – strong in faith and strong living the real life in which we have to pay bills and buy food.
Over to you – what do you make of miracle stories like these? Coincidence or real?

Do you think you could live life not being financially stable, having your own business or going on an adventure or are you the sort of person that enjoys having a regular income?

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Do you want to be a somebody but believe you are a nobody?

Welcome to our eximo blog! Last week saw the beginning of term for our classes. It was so good to see some familiar faces as well as some lovely new ones! We want to take this opportunity to expand that which we chat about within our classes; to generate discussion and to offer you the chance to share your opinions perhaps in a less scary format. This blog is also for those who are residing in another neck of the woods or perhaps don’t feel dance, drama or singing is their forte but would like to get involved. As it has been the first week of term, we have mainly rambled on about who we are and what eximo is all about – please do check out our personal blurbs that can be found in the ‘about’ section of the website:

For all those newbies, eximo is a latin word and it means release. The reason the company is called this is because we would like to see people released to be creative and free, moreover, released to live life to its fullest potential.

Watching X factor last weekend, I was aware that most people had a similar heart – to be SOMEBODY and not a nobody. Most people are seeking to find purpose and want to live lives that are driven towards something more - a reason for living. Through X Factor, there is a promise of stardom and the life of the stars, a very elite life not attainable to just anybody. X Factor is all well and good in creating dreams and inspiring hope in people and this we love within eximo – but what about when it flops? What about the thousands that don’t make it? What does that say about them? And even for those that do, will all that money, fame and luxury truly satisfy them or will it make them forget where they have come from and what is important in life? Just seeing the judges massive, exotic houses with swimming pools and room for a pony, made all the contestants more hungry for it – but as a viewer, it made me sad. What does fame gain? Does it make you better? Fame is not bad, in my opinion, but it is about what you do with it. Does it provide good for all or just for yourself? Having all that money and power is very influential to the masses and could just as easily influence to do bad as it could good.

For us here at eximo, we want to show you access to life in abundance that will never run short– and you don’t have to be famous to get it! We believe that there isn’t a single ‘nobody’ and that everybody is a somebody. Everybody is unique and important. There is no ‘right’ way to be and we would like to eradicate that thought that you are not good enough, pretty enough or cool enough. As a Christian company, we believe that we are all loved and created by God and all have an amazing and wonderful purpose here on earth. No one was a mistake and everyone is gifted. Through our classes and workshops, we would like to provide professional and high-standard teaching whilst seeking to release some of that hope and life to people who think they are a nobody and discover that they are definitely a somebody.

What are your opinions?