Friday, 27 July 2012

The Olympics 2012!

The Olympics is finally upon us! Who else is excited?

I love the fact that this Country is really getting into the spirit of the games and we are ready to avidly support team GB, who have been vigorously training in the years leading up to this very occasion. These athletes have put their time, sweat and tears into training to achieve Olympian standards. The thought is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

There is so much inspiration to be taken from these dedicated athletes! Whilst we might not all be under the same physical demand, we can all be as committed towards reaching our own personal best. Whatever your dream is, don’t let it go because it hasn’t transpired but be inspired to make it happen. An athlete’s whole life is devoted to their sport which affects their foods and pastimes as well. Whilst perhaps we don’t have to be as extreme, are we frugal with our time?

Do you think that these athletes want to get up at 5.30 everyday bar Sunday to train at 7am each morning? But get up they do; the thought of where it will take them striving them on. We must also honour the time and dedication of those involved in building the Olympic venues without which none of the games would even be possible. They made it happen and so can we.

Allow your dream to spark the strength to reach it. It isn’t going to be easy and there will be much toil on the journey there, but just look at what we can do if we put our minds to it! Don’t be daunted, we all have to start somewhere.

 Be inspired and enjoy the games, everyone!

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