It’s been an emotional year with lots of changes, ups and downs but really it has only pushed me forward. I can’t wait for 2012 to begin, I am genuinely excited about the new year and all the challenges, changes and ups and downs it will bring. Not only am I thrilled as I will be getting married in August but also because I have caught a new vision in the last couple of weeks of how I want to move further.
I am seeing eximo grow, maybe not necessarily in size but in heart, yet hopefully in size too so that we have enough to bless others and give to those less fortunate.
I see a year ahead in which I want to go deeper, give more, work harder, rest better and pour out myself into the things I feel I should do.
I see us stepping out even more to bring hope to the hopeless and be a little part in people’s happiness and wellbeing.
I see a stronger eximo – a company that is not only called eximo, but lives up to its name: RELEASE.
I feel like we have only been scratching on the surface of what eximo really is and I want to see this breaking through this year.
Above all else I feel secure because I know God hold all my dreams, visions and longings in his hands and is in control. With this in mind I want to pray for this coming year and hope that you will all feel excited what lies ahead, that you may never look back to any time wasted or wishing you were in a different place than the one you are in. For me, 2011 had a terrible start and this time last year I would have written a different blog. I am thrilled how it turned out and have one last thing to say: Bring on 2012!
What is your vision for the new year?
Do you feel thrilled too, or do you feel like I felt a year ago – not looking forward to the new year so much? I would love to hear your thoughts!